Examining the Dynamics: An Investigation of the Effects of Social Media Advertisement on Consumer Behaviour


  • Tanuj Sharma
  • Dr. Vinod Negi


Social Media Advertisement, Consumer Behaviour, Buying Behaviour, User Behaviour


Currently, social media constitutes a major activity, interacting significantly with every individual’s life and altering how people obtain and disperse information. This study focuses on theoretical frameworks, empirical data, and previous research to investigate the complex interaction between consumer behaviour and social media advertising. The potential of business establishments to broaden their market reach and target customers who are interested in their products or services has been established by taking into account the study's conclusions and the function of social media platforms in the modern marketing mix. Thus, the results of the study into the factors influencing consumer behaviour via social media advertising features can be considered valuable for marketing strategy creation. Some of the important insights are understanding the impact of brand familiarity on consumer’s buying decisions and entertainment appeal, cross-cultural ad appeals, and certain concepts like sequential advertising. The implications also suggest the importance of culturally tailored, low intrusion, and privacy-conscious advertising strategies. The study presents further effective suggestions for each of the forthcoming investigations and, underlying the role of context awareness and the aesthetics of the ads in engaging consumers and building credibility and useful advice for digital marketing.


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