Adoption of Mobile wallets by Tourists for Digital Payments in India: An Investigation of Behavioural Intention and the Moderating Impact of Digital Innovativeness
Tourists, digital payments, mobile wallets, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), perceived value, satisfaction, Partial Least Squares (PLS)Abstract
The main goal of this study is to investigate the impact of tourist's intention for enjoyment on their likelihood to use mobile wallets for electronic transactions. The research aims to investigate the behavioural intents of foreign tourists about digital payment options, particularly during their travels to the Delhi (NCR) area.
This research adopts the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as its theoretical framework and conducts a quantitative survey targeting foreign tourists situated outside the Delhi (NCR) region. The process includes distributing 250 surveys to tourists, obtaining a response rate that leads to the return of 200 completed forms. These surveys are fundamental to the process of collecting data. The statistical approach used to analyse the data received from these surveys is Partial Least Squares (PLS). This methodology is used to examine the several variables that influence visitors' propensity to utilise mobile wallets and to understand the relationship between their behavioural goals and digital payment practices.
The study reveals a significant association between tourist's expectations and their practical use of mobile wallets for digital transactions. The statement highlights that the degree of contentment that tourists feel is crucial in influencing their probability of using digital payment options. The research demonstrates that the perceived value and simplicity of use of mobile wallet services are crucial determinants affecting their adoption among foreign travelers.
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