Building up Dynamic Capabilities for Sustainable growth under Supply Chain Disruptions



Supply Chain Dynamic Capabilities, , Sustainable supply chain management practices, Social-Performance, Environmental-Performance, Triple- Bottom Line


The recent technological advancements, worldwide business networks, market dynamism etc. create threats for Supply chain and produce inertia to organization’s survival and growth. The disruptive forces and pressure from stakeholders compel the organization to implement sustainable practices. These sustainable practices need to be oriented towards market dynamism and firms require to build up capabilities in order to sustain sustainability and produce results that are socially and ecologically sustainable. The paper first discusses the linkage between the Sustainable Supply chain practices and Dynamic Capabilities. Secondly a framework is developed for measurement of Dynamic capabilities. The paper identifies five constructs for measurement of dynamic capabilities- Knowledge absorption capacity, Innovation ability, Demand Oriented perception ability, Renovation capacity and Social Network enhancement ability. Finally the impact of Dynamic Capabilities on the performance of the firm in terms of three order sustainability i.e. monetary, ecological and social perspective is discussed. The proposed framework is analyzed through an empirical survey on automobile and automotive industries. Structural Equation Modelling is used for data analysis and interpretation. The research provides an academic framework for linkage of Dynamic capabilities with SSCMP and T- BL performance. It also helps in business practices by providing a blueprint for organizations’ adaptation to dynamic conditions and sustainable performance.


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