Teaching Motivation: The Kung Fu Panda way

  • Surabhi Singhal Ramjas College, University of Delhi
Keywords: extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy, self-fulfilling prophecy, teaching through movie clips, Vroom’s expectancy theory, work motivation


The widely acclaimed animated movie, Kung Fu Panda, provides an interesting resource for teaching concepts of motivation including Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation, Self-efficacy,  Self-fulfilling Prophecy and Vroom’s Expectancy Theory. This article provides clip-by-clip examples that exhibit these concepts along with discussion prompts and probable answers that facilitate engagement and understanding among students. Time stamps of clips have been provided which students are expected to watch and prepare reflection notes prior to the lecture. In-class discussions among students based on their reflection notes prove effective in analysing and learning the interwoven concepts and their application in true sense.


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How to Cite
Singhal, S. (2022). Teaching Motivation: The Kung Fu Panda way. VEETHIKA-An International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 8(1), 7-10. https://doi.org/10.48001/veethika.2022.08.01.002