Limits of ‘Community Standard Test’ in obscenity jurisprudence of the Indian Supreme Court

  • Dhananjya Kumar Mishra
Keywords: Obscenity, Community standard, offence


Community standard sprint down as the test to determine the conceptualization of obscenity in India, which is subject to multipronged interpretations by the constitutional sentinel to provide the safeguard for adolescent and general public in the respect of detrimental activity which is fanning the prurient, lascivious and libidinous interest. Hence analysis on ‘community standard test’ requires the methodological and prospective approach of jurisprudential wisdom to understand the Indian society accordingly, so far as the Indian Mythology is concerned, obscenity was considered as the highest form of sin which was prohibiting women to exhibit the private part of her body. Later on, the test of determination of obscenity was vehemently criticized on the tune of morality of the community sentiment of the society


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How to Cite
Mishra, D. (2022). Limits of ‘Community Standard Test’ in obscenity jurisprudence of the Indian Supreme Court. VEETHIKA-An International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 8(2), 8-10.