Matrimonial Causes & Choice of Law under Private International Law

  • Nituja Singh Sharda School of Law, Sharda University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh
  • Faheem Khan St. Thomas’ College of Law, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh
  • Anushka Singh Sharda School of Law, Sharda University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh
Keywords: Private law, International law, Choice of law, Matrinomial clauses, Rule of choice of law


The institution of marriage is succumbed to yield many causes giving birth to legal action arising from this single relation called ‘marriage’. From time immemorial people have been interacting across the border and hence there have been marriages between individuals crossing the territorial boundary of country. Every country has its own legal system usually different from the legal system based on distinguish cultural, religious or political identity. In this situation if a dispute out of marriage will arise wherein parties are from different legal systems, the court will have to decide about according to which particular law and legal system such conflicting situation relating to marriage would be adjudicated. Private international law is a path to guide judicial courts encountering such situations and this paper is all about how judges have to exercise jurisdiction and private international law and further according to which set of law/s such matrimonial disputes/causes should be addressed.

Person having different domicile, residence or nationality may enter into matrimonial relationship. At the time of marriage no one speculate any matrimonial dispute but emotion, relation and compatibility between emotion and relation is quite different things. Therefore, there is always risk/chance of fractions in every marriage. If parties to marriage are from the same legal system, then their dispute will be adjudicated according to their local substantive and procedural laws of their land. But, if such parties to marriage belong from different legal systems and further if they have married away from their own place viz. a third country, then the jurisdiction and the law to be applied in matrimonial disputes would be looked from the lenses of the private international law.

Thereafter these relations can also culminate into matrimonial disputes which take its legal effect through various matrimonial causes. This research paper mainly aims to analyse the various matrimonial causes present in a matrimonial dispute involving a foreign element which shall come under private international law and various choices oflaw rules, with special emphasis on nullity of marriage. This paper shall also briefly discuss the concept and validity of marriage. This paper shall analyse the concept of matrimonial causes in conflict of law through the Indian perspective. As India is a common law country which is of a shared British heritage and developed in England so the various concepts as aforementioned shall also include comparison with the English law. This paper shall conclude with authors’ observations and suggestions.


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How to Cite
Singh, N., Khan, F., & Singh, A. (2022). Matrimonial Causes & Choice of Law under Private International Law. VEETHIKA-An International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 8(2), 18-24.