Factors influencing investors’ decision and pattern of investments: An empirical study in Delhi-NCR

Keywords: Investment, awareness, household, equity market, gold


Financial markets now operate quite differently. Due to the vast array of savings and investment firms, the products they offer, the terms and conditions of investments, and the numerous complicated laws and regulations that are in place, investing money has become a highly complex process. Most of the investors, despite the remarkable growth of economy and high-income levels living in metropolitan cities are found unaware about investment avenues and rules and regulations. The present study is an attempt to analyse the awareness level of people in Delhi NCR about various investment avenues on the basis of their demographic profile. On the basis of chain-referral sampling, the research was done by employing a structured questionnaire from 260 sample respondents using Google Form. The study's results show that individuals are quite knowledgeable about bank deposit plans, which are followed by life insurance plans, post office savings plans, and provident funds. Conversely, people know very little about demat services, the stock market, and mutual funds.


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How to Cite
Kaur, A. (2022). Factors influencing investors’ decision and pattern of investments: An empirical study in Delhi-NCR. VEETHIKA-An International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 8(3), 15-19. https://doi.org/10.48001/veethika.2022.08.03.002