Inclusive Education Reform in SAARC Countries: Prospects and Challenges

Keywords: South Asia, SAARC, Inclusive growth, education


South Asia, an area of the world with a high population density, is home to one-fourth of the world's inhabitants. But both the educational divide and the jobless rate are relatively significant. Education is a crucial cornerstone for the cultural, social, and economic growth of the community. Although the SAARC summit was when the concept of educational cooperation was originally put forward, little has changed over the past few decades. The dispersed policies and division of educational objectives across several committees and subcommittees have hindered the rate of progress. SAARC nations have recently been working together to increase access and education quality, particularly for the region's most disadvantaged communities. This study makes an effort to list the numerous difficulties that South Asian nations have when adopting IE reform. The study also lists some potential approaches to deal with the difficulties.


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How to Cite
Kaur, B. (2022). Inclusive Education Reform in SAARC Countries: Prospects and Challenges. VEETHIKA-An International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 8(3), 20-24.