Comparative Analysis of the Budget of Sri Lanka and the State Budget of Punjab, India




Budget, Revenue, expenditure, Sri Lanka


This research paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the national budget of Sri Lanka and the state budget of Punjab, India. By examining the structure, revenue sources, expenditure patterns, fiscal deficits, and socio-economic priorities of both regions, this paper aims to highlight the differences and similarities in budgetary approaches and their implications for economic development and public welfare. The comparison sheds light on how a sovereign nation and a state within a federal structure allocate their financial resources to achieve their policy objectives. This paper also includes a statistical analysis of key budgetary figures to provide deeper insights into their fiscal health and management.


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How to Cite

Mourya, D. (2024). Comparative Analysis of the Budget of Sri Lanka and the State Budget of Punjab, India. VEETHIKA-An International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(3), 1–8.


