Impact of Human Resource Management Policies and Practices on Employee Motivation, Commitment and Performance




Job status, Job security, internal promotion, individualized awards, motivation, commitment


The primary goal of this study is to demonstrate how human resource management (HRM) policies and practices, which include employee job status, job security, internal promotion, and individualized rewards, have a substantial impact on employee motivation and commitment and their level of performance in the organization. Employees of commercial banks, insurance companies and financial companies at the managerial and assistant levels were included in this study. According to the study, there is a substantial and positive association between HRM policies and practices with that of employee motivation, and commitment. Similarly, a high level of employee motivation and commitment would contribute to the improvement of their level of performance in the institution as they accomplish the allocated duty based on their best efficiency, ability, and knowledge. It is the reason that management of the organization needs to focus on the improvement of employee job status, job security, internal promotion, and individualized rewards along with other variables of HRM policies and practices so that employees would feel motivated and committed to the accomplishment of assigned jobs. It is essential for the improvement of employee performance and also the overall performance of the organizations so that they can sustain and perform business activities in society for a long duration of time.


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How to Cite

Pradhan, G. M., Shrestha, P., & Khadka, K. (2024). Impact of Human Resource Management Policies and Practices on Employee Motivation, Commitment and Performance. VEETHIKA-An International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(3), 29–41.


