A Review of Organizational Climate and Innovations in Public Sector Organizations: Role of Transformational Leadership
organizational climate, public sector innovation, transformational leadershipAbstract
The present study aims at establishing the linkage between organizational climate (OC) and innovations in public sector organizations with a focus on the role of transformational leadership. The study used secondary data retrieved from credible journal databases. Keywords were used to search for the articles in relation to the topic. Through the study, it has been revealed that, the public sector, just like the private, needs to innovate in order to maintain effective service delivery that positively responds to the ever-changing social-economical needs of the citizenry. Further, a positive linkage between organizational climate and innovation has been established where it has been revealed that a favourable organizational climate enhances innovations. The study has also revealed that transformational leadership plays a significant role in the linkage between organizational climate and innovations in the public sector. Finally, a model depicting the linkages of the investigated constructs has been developed. The findings of the study, together with the proposed framework, make this paper unique in as far as its contribution towards knowledge regarding public sector innovation is concerned.
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