Institutionalization of Social Audit Practices in MGNREGAs in Himachal Pradesh

  • Rajiv Bansal Research Scholar, Department of Rural Development, Gandhigram Rural Institute, Tamil Nadu
  • Neema Gnanadev Department of Rural Development, Gandhigram Rural Institute, Tamil Nadu
Keywords: Accountability, Gram Sabha, Instiutionalization, Knowledge, Livelihood security, Social Audit


The general objective of the paper is to investigate into the social audits conducted under MG NREGS in selected districts of Himachal Pradesh. There are significant issues attached with the paper which focus on the prime and deserving utmost importance including the difficulties in following Social Audit process; the paper examines the different dimensions viz.  Knowledge to GP Officials, Institutionalization of Procedures, Perceptions of Community and Livelihood Security. The view point of Panchayat officials, MG NREGS workers and non workers has been obtained to reach reasonable conclusions. The papers not only come out with findings on this account but also makes logical recommendations to institutionalize social audit in MG NREGS in HP.


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How to Cite
Bansal, R., & Gnanadev, N. (2015). Institutionalization of Social Audit Practices in MGNREGAs in Himachal Pradesh. VEETHIKA-An International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 1(3), 87-95.