A Smart Autonomous and Bluetooth Controlled Floor Cleaner
Arduino Uno, Bluetooth HC-05, DC motors, IoT (Internet of Things), IR SensorAbstract
Floor cleaning is a long-standing ritual. In the past, people wanted to every day, wipe off the floor with water and a rag. Because of advancements in technology and lifestyle, people began to clean surfaces with Cloth/Thick threads connected to a stick, dipped in water. Additional time is required to Finish the floor cleaning work. People who do this work by hand take longer and are unable to accomplish it successfully since their energy levels fluctuate and they must also care for their babies and other household tasks. When a machine accomplishes the same task, it takes less time and works more effectively while using the same amount of energy. When we just have a limited amount of time, it is difficult to thoroughly clean a large area. The suggested robot is built on IoT technologies such as Arduino Uno, Bluetooth HC-05, and DC motors. and infrared sensors. In this robot, we use a smartphone app to control the cleaning process with voice commands supplied via Bluetooth module to Arduino in Manual mode. In Automatic mode, the cleaning procedure is managed by Arduino and the IR sensor, thus no human participation is required.
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