Routing Protocol for Multipath in MANET
Bandwidth security, Load balancing, Minimum cost blocking, Multipath routing, Reliability, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)Abstract
Wireless Sensor Networks using multipath routing technology are vulnerable to Minimum Cost Blocking (MCB). To overcome this issue, the Multipath routing protocol for WSNs is proposed as a security and trust routing mechanism based on active detection. In terms of attacks against blocking, node isolation, and network partitioning, we show that multipath routing methods outperform the traditional protocol. An adversary is regarded successful in our assault model if he or she can capture or isolate a group of nodes such that no more than a specific amount of traffic from the source node reaches the gateway. This research looks on the effectiveness of a multipath routing protocol in achieving application criteria like reliability, load balancing, and energy conservation, and Quality-of-Service (QoS).
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