Journal of Data Processing and Business Analytics 2024-06-18T06:32:56+00:00 Prof Prabhat Mittal Open Journal Systems <p>Frequency: <strong>Bi-annual</strong>| <strong>Double-blind peer reviewed</strong>| DOI: <strong><a href=""></a></strong></p> A Survey on Revolutionizing E-Learning: Notes, Chatbots and Data Analysis 2024-05-31T05:51:38+00:00 Avantika Anil Jagtap Aditya Rajendra Mane Dhairyasheel Santosh Shinde Pooja Amar Jugale Pratham Prakash Nimbalkar <p>In today's technology-driven era, E-Learning Management Systems (LMS) are revolutionizing education and professional development. These comprehensive digital platforms facilitate the delivery, administration, and evaluation of online courses and training programs. With features such as progress tracking, assessments, and detailed reporting, LMSs offer a structured, flexible, and accessible learning experience. They have transformed traditional classrooms into virtual learning spaces, offering online courses, blended learning programs, and entirely digital degree programs in the academic realm. In the corporate world, businesses rely on these systems to provide professional development and compliance training, ensuring consistency and standardization across geographical locations. Highly adaptable and customizable, E-Learning Management Systems cater to diverse learning needs, incorporating features like discussion forums, chat tools, and interactive multimedia content to enhance engagement and collaboration among learners.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Data Processing and Business Analytics Use of Big Data for Textile Fashion and Garment Industry 2024-06-03T05:57:34+00:00 Nemailal Tarafder <p>Big data is such type of data which requires a different processing approach. The feature of data science is to drive the fashion and textile industry forward. Among the revolutionary technologies big data is the most useful tool for industries. One of the most basic questions in research is how block chain empowered by big data can be handled and utilized to manage traceable and information sharing more perfect through global supply chains. At present the number of applications of big data technology in textile manufacturing sections in organized manner is limited. In fashion apparel businesses there are numerous benefits of retail analytics. Data related to style designs is the information about the components and standards of plan, which joined together, give the plan of a design item. Big data can allow fashion industry to examine popular patterns at a granular level to allow them understand about who is buying and why.</p> 2024-06-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Data Processing and Business Analytics Comprehensive Management System for Placement Cell Operations 2024-06-18T06:32:56+00:00 Ayush Kumar Akhil Patwal Karan Joshi Shantanu Pant Ankit Jeena <p>In today's competitive job market, the role of university placement cells is crucial as they give the opportunities to students so that they can make their successful transition from academia to workforce. This research paper proposes the development and implementation of a comprehensive Placement Cell Management System aimed at enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of university placement processes. The proposed system has the various functionalities including student registration, employer engagement, job posting and application management, interview scheduling, and alumni networking. By using the principles of information technology, data analytics, and user-centered design, the Placement Cell Management System aims to streamline the entire placement process, from initial registration to final placement, thereby reducing manual efforts, minimizing redundancies, and improving overall productivity. Furthermore, the paper discusses the potential benefits of the Placement Cell Management System, such as improved student placement rates, enhanced employer satisfaction, and better alumni engagement. The research also addresses challenges in system implementation, including data security, user training, and scalability. Through a combination of theoretical analysis, case studies, and empirical research, this paper aims to provide insights into the design, development, and deployment of an effective Placement Cell Management System, contributing to the advancement of university-industry collaboration and student career development initiatives.</p> 2024-06-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Data Processing and Business Analytics