Comparative Analysis of LSTM, RNN, CNN and MLP Machine Learning Algorithms for Stock Value Prediction


  • Dattatray G. Takale Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Aditya A. Wattamwar Research Intern, Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Saksham S. Saipatwar Research Intern, Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Harshwardhan V. Saindane Research Intern, Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Tushar B. Patil Research Intern, Department of Computer Engineering, Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India



Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Machine learning algorithms, Multilevel perceptron, Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Stock price prediction


In the context of the increasingly globalized financial markets, this review paper compares four prominent ML algorithms for stock value prediction: LSTM, CNN, RNN, and MLP. Through rigorous evaluations using diverse historical stock price data and key metrics like MAE, RMSE, and precision, the study reveals unique strengths and weaknesses in each algorithm's ability to capture stock price dynamics. LSTM emerges as the top performer, followed by CNN, RNN, and MLP. However, the authors emphasize that the selection of the best algorithm relies on certain data characteristics and desired accuracy levels.


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How to Cite

Dattatray G. Takale, Aditya A. Wattamwar, Saksham S. Saipatwar, Harshwardhan V. Saindane, & Tushar B. Patil. (2024). Comparative Analysis of LSTM, RNN, CNN and MLP Machine Learning Algorithms for Stock Value Prediction. Journal of Firewall Software‎ and Networking (e-ISSN: 2584-1750), 2(1), 1–10.


