An in-depth Look at the Research on Reducing Lead Times in Inventory Control




Inventory, Lead Time, Stock, Reduction, Literature Review


This paper presents an overview, from a specific vantage point, of the popularity of lead time discount in stock control studies in related domains. This overview is offered from the perspective of the lead time discount. to begin, this study suggests a few significant factors that need should be taken into account in the lead time-saving investigations; next, to point of view of the output of the studies, the existing literatures can be split into four categories basically based on the following: The years, namely the range from 1991 to 2000, are the primary basis for the first component. The second component covers the years 2000 through 2004, while the third spans the years 2005 through 2008.

The last part covers the years 2008 through 2012. Literature is analyzed in every course
with reference to the topics highlighted above as being most important. The structure presented
in this study for doing a literature review provides a clear picture of an overview of the relevant
discipline of lead time discount stock. This picture may serve as a starting point for further
research by providing a location to begin. Protection stock, cost of crashing, inventory manipulation, inventory versioning, time to provide, and inventory cost.


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How to Cite

Kumar , B. ., & Tiwari , H. . (2023). An in-depth Look at the Research on Reducing Lead Times in Inventory Control. QTanalytics Publication (Books), 193–209.