Multimodal sensor Integration for Advanced Patient Monitoring
Patient Monitoring, Sensor Integration, Autonomous Bed Positioning, MAX30100 Accelerometer, Patient Safety, Remote Monitoring, Healthcare TechnologyAbstract
Advanced patient monitoring in healthcare is experiencing significant technological advancements through the integration of various sensors, including load cells for saline level monitoring, autonomous bed position adjustments, and the incorporation of the MAX30100 accelerometer for pulse rate monitoring, body movement, and temperature sensing. The primary aim is to enhance patient safety by facilitating real-time notifications for healthcare staff and enabling early hazard detection, such as infections, through advanced sensor data processing. Additionally, the implementation seeks to enhance patient comfort by integrating intricate patient monitoring features and auto bed positioning driven by sensor inputs. The Blynk smartphone app acts as a central interface for remote monitoring and control, providing real-time insights for healthcare professionals. This comprehensive approach leverages modern sensor technology to optimize patient outcomes, streamline healthcare processes, and enhance care delivery efficiency. The integration of these advanced sensor technologies, focusing on saline levels and automated bed control, signifies a substantial stride in improving patient outcomes and advancing healthcare delivery in modern healthcare settings.
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