A Study of Artificial Intelligence and Its Role in Human Resource Management





Artificial intelligence, Machine languages, Human resource management


As technological advancements reshape the landscape of industries worldwide, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Human Resource Management (HRM) practices emerges as a pivotal area of exploration. This abstract delves into the implications, challenges, and opportunities associated with the infusion of AI in HRM. AI provides a wide range of tools and algorithms that have the potential to completely transform HR processes, including as hiring, employee engagement, performance reviews, and talent management. AI-powered automated screening procedures improve candidate selection efficiency, resulting in a more efficient hiring process with fewer prejudices. AI-driven analytics also offer insightful information on employee performance indicators, which helps with data-driven decision-making for retention and talent development plans.

The potential advantages of AI in HRM are significant, notwithstanding these difficulties. The goal of green HR practices is to include environmental considerations into HR policies and practices, covering areas like hiring, training, and staff involvement. HR professionals may dedicate more time to strategic initiatives and employee development by automating repetitive processes and utilizing predictive analytics. This will ultimately result in the development of a workforce that is more resilient and agile. Furthermore, HR departments can quickly adjust to changing organizational needs thanks to AI-driven insights, which promotes an innovative and continuous development culture.


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How to Cite

N, M. A. K., T N, . . H. ., Hussain, . A. ., & K S, A. A. . (2024). A Study of Artificial Intelligence and Its Role in Human Resource Management. QTanalytics Publication (Books), 51–59. https://doi.org/10.48001/978-81-966500-6-3-5