Employees’ Perception on 360 Degree Evaluation: Apitoria Pharma Pvt Ltd Perspective





360-Degree evaluation, Employee perception, Performance appraisal, Feedback, Pharmaceutical industry


This study investigates the perceptions of employees regarding the implementation of a 360-degree evaluation system at Apitoria Pharma Pvt Ltd, a fictional pharmaceutical company. The 360-degree evaluation system, known for its multi-rated feedback approach, aims to enhance performance appraisal processes by collecting feedback from various sources, including supervisors, peers, subordinates, and clients. The study explores employees’ understanding of the evaluation process, attitudes towards its fairness and transparency, perceived benefits and challenges, impact on motivation and job satisfaction, and recommendations for improvement. Methodologically, a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches, including surveys, interviews, and document analysis, is employed to gather comprehensive insights. The findings will inform strategies for optimizing the effectiveness of the 360-degree evaluation system and fostering a culture of continuous improvement and employee development within Apitoria Pharma Pvt Ltd.


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How to Cite

P.Venkaiah Babu, Modela, R. ., & MK, M. . (2024). Employees’ Perception on 360 Degree Evaluation: Apitoria Pharma Pvt Ltd Perspective. QTanalytics Publication (Books), 184–207. https://doi.org/10.48001/978-81-966500-6-3-14