Selection of Green Supplier Using Integrated Multi-Criteria Optimization Method: A Case Study of Plastic Extrusion and Vacuum Forming Company in India




Green supplier selection, MCDM, TOPSIS, Green supplier selection criteria, Green supply chain management


The manufacturer ideally should have a fair idea about the rating of its suppliers. Today’s demands include cost-effectiveness, premium-quality goods, timely delivery, and superior services after the sales and engage in environmental responsibility activity. In recent years, environmental consciousness has increased significantly. Hence, while assessing a supplier, its sensitivity towards the environment must be considered along with economic factors. That is why it can be termed as ”green supplier selection.” The green supplier selection is considered to be a Multi criteria optimization Problem, which is more popularly known as Multi-Criterion Decision-Making (MCDM) problem. MCDM tools are required to solve such kinds of problems. A case study in India’s industrial plastic component manufacturing company was carried out to address the issue. An integrated MCDM approach was deployed for green supplier assessment and selection. The research study, novel in nature, suggests how to rank suppliers as well as how low-rank suppliers incorporating environmental consciousness can improve their performance.


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How to Cite

Agarwal, R. . (2024). Selection of Green Supplier Using Integrated Multi-Criteria Optimization Method: A Case Study of Plastic Extrusion and Vacuum Forming Company in India. QTanalytics Publication (Books), 1–18.