A Study of Artificial Intelligence in Aviation Management





Artificial Intelligence (AI), Aviation Management, Machine Learning, Safety Management, Passenger experience


As technological advancements reshape the landscape of industries worldwide, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into aviation management practices emerges as a pivotal area of exploration. This abstract delves into the implications, challenges and opportunities associated with the infusion of AI in aviation management. AI offers a diverse range of tools and algorithms that have the potential to transform aviation operations, including safety management, flight planning, maintenance scheduling, and passenger experience enhancement. The potential advantages of AI in aviation management are significant, despite these challenges. Aviation professionals can devote more time to strategic initiatives and safety enhancements by automating routine processes and utilizing predictive analytics. This will ultimately result in a more resilient and efficient aviation sector, fostering innovation and continuous improvement.


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How to Cite

Sathyananda Swamy H V, B N Manoj, Noor Zaiba, & Manjari Pandey. (2024). A Study of Artificial Intelligence in Aviation Management. QTanalytics Publication (Books), 108–114. https://doi.org/10.48001/978-81-966500-8-7-11