Role of Women in Sustainable Agricultural Growth




Agriculture, Women, Sustainable growth, Climate change, Contributions


The crucial and many responsibilities that women play in agriculture are examined in Importance of Women in Sustainable Agriculture Growth, especially in relation to sustainable growth. To effectively address issues like food security, environmental degradation, and climate change, it is critical to recognize and support women's contributions to agriculture. This study examines how women actively engage in a range of agricultural pursuits, from managing cattle to cultivating crops, and emphasizes the critical role that women play in the uptake of sustainable farming methods. It investigates the potential for gender-sensitive policies and programs to empower women and boost their participation in agriculture. The study also examines the social and environmental impacts of women employed in the agricultural sector, emphasizing the potential for increased food production, a decline in destitution, and the protection of the environment. This research emphasizes the value of acknowledging and promoting women's contributions to sustainable agricultural growth, thereby addressing global challenges and fostering equitable and resilient agricultural systems. It does this through a thorough analysis of case studies and empirical evidence.


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How to Cite

Nagaraju L G, & Priya N. (2024). Role of Women in Sustainable Agricultural Growth. QTanalytics Publication (Books), 125–133.