A Study on Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Educational Institutions: Enhancing Human Resource Management Practices
Educational institution, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Human resource managementAbstract
The way that technology is transforming enterprises around the globe enables the incorporation of educational institutions into HRM practices an essential field of research. The ramifications, difficulties, and opportunities related to the integration of educational institutions into HRM are explored in this abstract.
Artificial intelligence (AI) offers a plethora of resources and algorithms that have the ability to significantly transform HR procedures, such as talent management, performance reviews, hiring, and employee engagement. AI-powered automated screening techniques increase the effectiveness of candidate selection, leading to a more bias-free and productive hiring process. Insightful data on employee performance parameters is another benefit of AI-driven analytics, which supports information-driven strategies for talent development and retention.Despite these obstacles, educational institutions offer an abundance of prospective advantages in HRM. By automating routine tasks and applying predictive analytics, HR managers can devote greater attention to strategic projects and employee development. This would eventually result in a workforce that is more adaptable and resilient . Moreover, AI-driven insights empower HR departments to promptly adapt to evolving organizational requirements, fostering a culture of innovation and ongoing improvement.
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