Higher Education During the Pandemic Period - A Study on Digital Initiatives and Online Classes in the Arts & Science Colleges in Kerala

  • Parvathy R Nair Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Government Arts College,Thycaud,Thiruvananthapuram
  • T Subash Principal, MMS Government Arts and Science College, Malayinkeezhu, Thiruvananthapuram
  • T Subash Principal, MMS Government Arts and Science College, Malayinkeezhu, Thiruvananthapuram
Keywords: Education, Digital initiatives, Online classes, Health issues


COVID-19 was reported for the first time in Wuhan, which made a downward spiral in the world economy. It had a devastating effect on every sector of the economy including the education sector. Schools and colleges were forced to remain closed as part of social distancing measures adopted during the period. Several digital initiatives of various Government agencies gained wide acceptance during the period. Digital initiatives like e-GyanKosh, Swayam, VIDWAN, FOSSEE etc. are gaining popularity during the pandemic period and all of which facilitated the smooth functioning of academic activities in the crisis period. The potential of online classes are also utilized to ensure uninterrupted flow of teachinglearning process in the pandemic period. Even though, online classes have the advantage of the comfort of being at home, flexible hours of handling classes etc. it has its own drawbacks like difficulties in assessing students, lack of effectiveness,internet connectivity issues, lack of personal device for attending the online classes, anxieties, health issues both physical and psychological etc. The study is an attempt to list out such digital initiatives and also an assessment of online classes during the pandemic period. The study result highlight that comfort of being at home is the best part of online classes to teachers and students. Lack of effectiveness is the most important disadvantage of online classes. The constant use of mobiles, computers and laptops for a long time creates various types of health issues, both physical and psychological, to the respondents. Back pain, neck pain, eye problems, and headache are common issues for both teachers and students.


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