Influence of Stock Brokers on the Investment Decision of Individual Stock Investors

  • Aseem R Research Scholar, PG & Research Department of Commerce, Government Arts College, Thiruvananthapuram
  • Biju S K Associate Professor, PG & Research Department of Commerce, Government College, Nedumangad
Keywords: Equity Investment, Stock Market, Investment Decision, Stock Brokers, BSE, Individual Investors


An investor is an important element of the stock market in any economy. In the past, stock investment was limited to the richer class, but in the present day, investment in the stock market is very popular among retail investors. Investment in the stock market is an excellent investment avenue. Many of the investors are non-professional and invest in the stock market based on some degree of recommendation received from others. Naturally, investors feel that they can make a profit from the stock market through professional guidance. Apart from buying and selling shares, the broker offers a range of additional services to investors, such as research reports, advisory services, and relationship managers. They also provide a wide range of products, including IPO, Debt, Mutual Fund, Futures, and Forward contracts, and insurance. Investors depend on the brokers for IPO information, market condition, awareness programs, and training for new investors. The investors received information related to financial services, portfolio selection and gainful information. Investors consider mage and reputation, speed of website and app, annual maintenance charge and initial investment for selecting brokers in the market.


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