Organic Food Products: Determinants Influencing Buying Behaviour

  • Biju S K Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Government College, Nedumangad, Thiruvananthapuram
Keywords: Organic Food, Quality, Brand, Promotion, Price, Buying Behaviour


Organic is the order of the day. Consumers show high inclination towards organic food products now a days. In this scenario, a study to analyse the level of influence of factors affecting the buying decisions of organic food products seems to be vital. This study is aimed at identifying and analysing the influence of various factors on the purchase intention of consumers towards organic food products. This research empirically examined the determinants influencing consumers of organic food products by analysing the selection of 100 buyers from Kerala, which is the most literate state of India. Findings of the study reveal that better quality of products that provide the comprehensive wholesomeness and premium price are the most influencing determinants for purchasing organic food products.


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