Exploring Nature’s Abode: Unveiling Kerala’s Enchanting Forest Ecotourism Products

  • Shiny Salam Department of Commerce, TKM College of Arts and Science, Kollam
  • Gabriel Simon Thattil Department of Commerce, University of Kerala
Keywords: Kerala Forest ecotourism, Forest tourism products, Community-based ecotourism, Nature-based tourism, Sustainable tourism


The state of Kerala, renowned for its lush forests and diverse ecosystems, has embraced forest ecotourism as a means of sustainable economic development. This paper goes through the realm of Kerala’s enchanting forest tourism products, investigating tourist satisfaction levels and variations across different categories of tourists. The study’s objectives encompass comprehending tourist satisfaction with Kerala Forest ecotourism’s products and services and discerning whether satisfaction varies among foreign, domestic, and local visitors. The primary data was collected through structured interviews with a sample of 400 tourists who visited 16 forest ecotourism sites across Kerala. Secondary data was sourced from records maintained by the Kerala Forest Department, including official reports and information provided by the Ecotourism wing of the department. Satisfaction levels were measured using a 5-point Likert scale for 17 forest products. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) and subsequent univariate ANOVA tests unveiled significant variations in satisfaction levels across different categories oftouristsforspecific products. Results showcased that tourist satisfaction with forest ecotourism products was moderate on average, with distinctions observed in satisfaction levels among different tourist categories. The study underscores the necessity of  tailoring marketing strategies and product offerings to suit the preferences of diverse tourists. The findings provide insights for policymakers, tour operators, and local communities to enhance the attractiveness and sustainability of forest ecotourism in Kerala. Hence this research also sheds light on the complex dynamics of tourist satisfaction in Kerala’s forest ecotourism context.

Author Biographies

Shiny Salam, Department of Commerce, TKM College of Arts and Science, Kollam

Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, TKM College of Arts and Science, Kollam

Gabriel Simon Thattil, Department of Commerce, University of Kerala

Senior Professor and Head, Department of Commerce, University of Kerala


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