About the Journal


Scope of the Journal:

Research articles/Reviews/Commentaries specific to the Public Administration, Economic/Development Administration, Governance, Public Policy, and Administrative Development/Development of Administrative Capabilities that comprise some points for policy implications will be the main domain of this Journal.

Review and Editing:

After submission, the article will be assessed for its suitability as per the Journal Scope. Preliminary reading by the Editors will be made for its proper structuring as essentially needed for the Journal articles. In case of technical/specialist nature of articles, papers will be sent to the anonymous reviewer/reviewers. Their Recommendation/Comments/suggestions will be shared with the corresponding author.

ISSN Number: The Journal contains the ISSN Number 2319-2976 (For the Print Journal since Vol. 1 Issue 1 (Jan-June, 2012). The decade old journal also figures in UGC CARE List.

Periodicity: (Half-Yearly). January-June and July-December. It will be available at the end of period i.e., June and December. The manuscripts received during October-March are considered for publication in January-June Issue whereas the manuscripts received during April-September period are considered for publication in July-December Issue also depending upon the publication Queue. A period of further three months is taken for the review and other related processes. The Journal receives manuscripts only in electronic form.

Pre-requisite to Submission: It must be ensured that:

  • The article should be related to the broad themes discussed above. • The paper should be either concept based or empirical with essential policy implications.
  • The contributions should be original, scientifically written and unpublished work of the author(s) with citation of proper sources/literature.
  • The paper should not be under consideration elsewhere for publication.
  • The paper should contain all the figures, tables, graphs, pictures, illustrations. They should be clearly numbered and its mention in text of nearby para is essential

Copyright infringement and plagiarism: Authors will be solely held responsible for any violations with respect to Copyright infringement and plagiarism. The author will have to affix a summary report generated for plagiarism check via Turnitin or Urkund or iThenticate or any other software (approved by the UGC) on the last page of the paper.

Basic Details in the Paper: The paper should essentially carry the following detail:

  1. Title of the article, 2. Author(s)' name(s), 3. Corresponding Author E-mail 4. Institutional affiliation(s), References in the prescribed style.

An article should comprise following in a clearly demarcated structure of a typical research article: • Abstract • Key words • Introduction and Objectives • Material and Method • Findings/Results • Discussion of results in context of prior studies • Conclusion/Policy Implication and Suggestions • Referencing as per the Journal Style • Summary of Plagiarism Check report. • Certification by the Authors that the research paper is not submitted/under review/published/copyrighted/accepted anywhere else

Journal Style: Footnotes and endnotes should not be used. If necessary, a general Explanatory Note' can be given at the end of the article.

Citations: (Desai, 1998); (Smith & Hofstad, 2006); (Sharma et al, 2009).

References for all articles go together at the end of the journal. References should be set out using the following format:

Journal: Jaffe, A., R. Newell, and R. Stavins. 2005. A tale of two market failures: Technology and environmental policy. Ecological Economics 54: 164–74.

Book: Metz, B.,O.Davidson, R. Swart, and J. Pan (Eds.). 2001. Climate Change 2001: Mitigation. Contribution of Working Group III to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

The text of article must be in 12 point New Times Roman font with 1.5 line spacing; all illustrations, figures, and tables must be placed within the text at the appropriate levels, rather than at the end of paper.

Submission of article: The soft copy of the contribution to the Journal should be in the MS-Word format (editable soft copy, not the pdf) and be submitted on dedicated journal e-mail: editor.fairlawn@gmail.com. (submission through post or any online portal or any other e-mail  will not be entertained). The article should be in about 5000 words for research and review papers whereas the commentary be limited to 2500 words and book review in 1200 words. However, exceptions for longer manuscripts may be allowed for certain submissions reporting qualitative research or multiple method adopted in study.

Circulation: The journal is circulated in all state Government Department/Institutional Libraries in Himachal Pradesh, All ATIs of the Country, and training, educational and research institutes across the state. Public representatives and Officers in Civil Services will be amongst the leading target reader groups along with the scholar in academia and research.

Pricing: Each issue is priced at Rs. 100 for the individuals and Rs. 200 for the institutions/Libraries (postage and handling charges of Rs 50 per issue will have to be added extra). Authors will get one complimentary copy of the issue. For long term subscriptions, please send mail at: editor.fairlawn@gmail.com with details about subscription period, subscriber’s complete correspondence address along with the Demand Draft of the requisite amount for the number of issues during subscription period.

Disclaimer: Towards independent contributors, Journal is in no obligation/ responsibility for the delayed communication/rejection/review/acceptance/publication of any submitted work. Authors are free to withdraw their article anytime if they are under obligation to publish the work early.
For the withdrawal of article at any stage before publication, an email should be also dropped at editor.fairlawn@gmail.com. It will not be possible to entertain any other e-mail/phone correspondence.