Education for sustainable development goals, competencies, value education, student perception, technology, holisticAbstract
For addressing the goal of Educating Citizens in Skills and Competencies related with Sustainable Development Goals, so many universities of higher learning have signed international declarations and have committed to drive in sustainability within their operations, outreach, education, training and research. However, despite the good intentions and policy developments at the national, regional and international level, little has been achieved in terms of education for sustainable development holistically in the curriculum. We need to educate students which create considerable understanding among them for sustainable development at different level of human existence i.e. individual, family, society and nature. It is prerequisite that development of such systems require a careful learning about the traditional practices, critically examining them so that we are able to find out the desirable features and retain them while evolving technologies and system for our present needs. We have to use wisely our traditional wisdom along with the present day knowledge of science and technology for educating citizens in skills and competencies related with sustainable development goals.
The purpose of the present paper is to explore the understandings in relation to education for sustainable development competencies and the inputs by the teachers and the parameters drawn thereupon for the SDG would be the proposed model.
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