Aims and Scope
IHRDI Journal of Sustainable Development (IJSD) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, Bi-annual (Jan-June & July-December), open-access research journal published by the Inclusive Human Resource Development Initiative Foundation. IJSD proposes to publish original research in the domain of Environment, Social and Governance issues with Sustainability as the main theme. It proposes to provide an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute original work in the said fields. The Journal will focus on promoting research, documenting good practices and promoting innovative ideas besides spacing policy options in the domain of sustainable development, governance, environment, management, society etc.
Scope of IJSD
The scopes of the journal include, but are not limited to, the following fields:
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Climate Action
- Ecology and sustainable development
- Waste management
- Water Conservation
- Renewable and sustainable energy
- Environmental technologies
- Green buildings, sustainable cities
- Sustainable agriculture and land development
- Sustainable economics
- Urban planning and development
- Problems related to housing, slums and poverty.
- Rural Development
- Social sciences and humanities
- Social impact assessment
- Public Policy
- Governance
- Citizen Centric Administration
- Business Management
- Mapping good practices in ESG