Differentiation of Mathematics Examination at Two Levels for Higher Secondary CBSE Students in India: Study on Students’ Satisfaction and Subject Related Perception

  • Navita Mahajan Amity University, Noida Uttar Pradesh
  • Seema Garg Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
Keywords: Mathematics, CBSE, Standard, Regulation, Stress, Satisfaction


The Central Board of Secondary Examination announced that Class 10 students will have two levels of mathematics papers from 2020.The name suggested for the two examinations will be Maths- Standard which will be same kind of existing  level of examination, and Maths - Basic, the standard that has been designed easier as compared Standard level. No proposed change in syllabus has been suggested, class room deliverables and internal assessment for both the levels of examination would remain the same. The standard level has been designed for the students who desire to pursue with mathematics at higher levels, while the basic level would be for the students who want to drop Mathematics after class ten and pursue other streams of Subjects. This study aims to find the satisfaction level of students with this format adopted for Mathematics and their attitude towards other subjects. The students were found to quite satisfy with the regulating so as teachers and parents. The satisfaction level was found to be quite high among all stake holders as this was found to be facilitating students in their interest areas for pursuing higher studies rather them making them burdened and stressed during Higher Secondary struggling with Mathematics. Not only this, the regulation also gave a greater clarity among students, if they were interested to pursue their higher studies with this or related subjects.

How to Cite
Mahajan, N., & Garg, S. (2020). Differentiation of Mathematics Examination at Two Levels for Higher Secondary CBSE Students in India: Study on Students’ Satisfaction and Subject Related Perception. Journal of Business Management and Information Systems, 7(1), 31-46. https://doi.org/10.48001/jbmis.2020.0701004