Mapping of Indian Astrophysics Research: A Scientometric Analysis of Research Output during 2013-2022

Keywords: Scientometrics, Research productivity, Astrophysics, Authorship Pattern, Co-occurence, Bibliographic, coupling, citation impact


The study has been conducted to analyze the research output of Astrophysics literature for a period of ten years i.e., from 2013- 2022 as reflected in the database of Web of Science. The year wise productivity, authorship pattern, most trending research topics, citation impact of most productive journals etc. are evaluated. The most productive year is 2022 with 596 publications (14.62%) and the least productive year is 2013 with 243 publications (5.96%). It has gained 105771 citations for the total of 4078 publications. Multi- authorship or more than ten authored contributions (863 publications, 21.16%) are found highest followed by three and two authorships with 755 publications (18.51%) and 700 publications (17.17%) respectively. The highest impactful journal is found as Astronomy and Astrophysics publish by EDP Sciences having the maximum value of h-index (71), g- index (210), m-index (6.45), also the maximum Citations (48023). The study also reveals that the cosmological observations based on Planck measurements is one of the most trending research topics in the present era in Astrophysics. The most prolific author’s keywords found are galaxies: active, cosmology: observations and methods: data analysis with total link strength of 626, 389 and 350 respectively.


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How to Cite
Khargharia, G., & Yadav, S. (2023). Mapping of Indian Astrophysics Research: A Scientometric Analysis of Research Output during 2013-2022. VEETHIKA-An International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 9(4), 1-12.