Marketing of Library Products and Services: A Study of Dr. Zakir Husain Library of Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi and Central Library, Central University of Haryana, India


  • Manish Kumar Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi
  • Shyam Nath Yadav Research Scholar, University of Delhi



Marketing, LIS products and services, Barriers in marketing, Marketing tools and techniques, Library marketing


The research work overtly presents the Marketing plan, strategies being used by university libraries of Dr. Zakir Husain Library of Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi and Central Library, Central University of Haryana. A well structured questionnaire was administered to the librarian of selected libraries and after regular persuasion the duly filled in questionnaire was received. The analysis shows that both libraries are providing a number of services free of cost. Out of 26 services asked by librarians, Dr. Zakir Husain Library, JMI provides 23 services while  Central University of Haryana gives only 16 services. This shows that Dr. Zakir Husain Library, JMI is better in terms of providing library services than Central Library, Central University of Haryana. The paper analyses the opinion regarding marketing concepts and Staff Attitude towards Marketing and its use in library. The study found that there is Lack of understanding about marketing among top management, Reluctance of users to pay for services, Lack of availability of promotional material, Lack of professional manpower and Lack of ICT infrastructure  are major barriers in  marketing library products and services.




How to Cite

Kumar, M., & Yadav, S. N. (2021). Marketing of Library Products and Services: A Study of Dr. Zakir Husain Library of Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi and Central Library, Central University of Haryana, India. VEETHIKA-An International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 7(4), 1–8.




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