Analyzing The Correlation Between The Conventional Complete Denture Occlusal Contact Points And Patient’s Satisfaction


  • Sunantha Selvaraj Vinayaka Mission's Sankarachariayar Dental College, VMRF-DU
  • Nithiya Kalyani K Vinayaka Mission's Sankarachariayar Dental College, VMRF-DU
  • Jayachandran Dorairaj Vinayaka Mission's Sankarachariayar Dental College, VMRF-DU,Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Rajkumar Gunaseelaraj Vinayaka Mission's Sankarachariayar Dental College, VMRF-DU,Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Divya Krishnamoorthi Vinayaka Mission's Sankarachariayar Dental College, VMRF-DU,Salem, Tamil Nadu, India



convention complete denture, occlusal contact points, patient satisfaction


Background: Conventional complete dentures continue to be a vital and essential method for restoring oral function in edentulous adults. However the quality of complete dentures influences the satisfaction level, thereby improves the psychological wellbeing of dentulous adults.

Aim: A prospective in vivo study aims to analyse the presence of conventional complete denture occlusal contact points significantly influence patients' satisfaction levels.


Materials and methods: Thirty patients who had received complete dentures were evaluated for their occlusal contact points one the day of insertion and 2 weeks later. Patient satisfaction questionnaire, which included subjective parameters such as initial adaptability, post insertion problems, aesthetics, masticatory ability, speech, retention was conducted at day 1 (day of insertion) and 2 weeks later.

Results: Number of contact points almost were same on day 1 and 2 weeks later. The overall satisfaction of the patient has improved during the time interval. But correlation of the occlusal contact points to the patient satisfaction has no statistically significant value.

 Conclusion: Therefore, the overall satisfaction of the patient increased while using the complete denture from  1st day of denture insertion and after 14 days irrespective of number of contact points in the conventional complete denture with same occlusal scheme

Author Biographies

Sunantha Selvaraj, Vinayaka Mission's Sankarachariayar Dental College, VMRF-DU

Associate Professor

Jayachandran Dorairaj, Vinayaka Mission's Sankarachariayar Dental College, VMRF-DU,Salem, Tamil Nadu, India

Professor, Dept of Periodontics



Rajkumar Gunaseelaraj, Vinayaka Mission's Sankarachariayar Dental College, VMRF-DU,Salem, Tamil Nadu, India



Divya Krishnamoorthi, Vinayaka Mission's Sankarachariayar Dental College, VMRF-DU,Salem, Tamil Nadu, India

Associate Professor, Dept Of Prosthodontics And Crown & Bridge




How to Cite

Selvaraj, S., K, N. K., Dorairaj, J., Gunaseelaraj, R., & Krishnamoorthi, D. (2024). Analyzing The Correlation Between The Conventional Complete Denture Occlusal Contact Points And Patient’s Satisfaction. Journal of Clinical Prosthodontics and Implantology, 6(2), 55–59.



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