Aims and Scope
JoCSSS aims to provide a platform for the dissemination of cutting-edge research in the fields of computer science and system software. This journal aims to publish high-quality articles that delve into the theoretical foundations, practical techniques, and emerging trends in information processing, computational algorithms, software development, and system design. We invite researchers, scholars, and professionals to contribute their original research papers, reviews, and case studies to our journal. Our scope encompasses a wide range of topics, including but not limited to artificial intelligence, data science, computer networks, operating systems, software engineering, and cybersecurity. By fostering the exchange of innovative ideas and novel methodologies, we strive to contribute to the advancement and growth of computer science and system software as integral pillars of modern technology.
Focus and Scope:
- Algorithms and Complexity
- Anti-Virus Software
- Computer Architecture and Organization
- Computer Graphics and Visualization
- Computer's Hardware and Application Programs
- Concurrent, Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Device Drivers
- Graphics and Visual Computing
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Intelligent Systems
- Linux, Android, and Microsoft Windows
- Operating System
- Program Compilers
- Software Engineering