Parental support perceived in the parent-child dyad

  • Alina Costin Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania
Keywords: Parents, children, perceived parental support, parental control


It has become a certainty that effective parenting requires a high level of control and monitoring. The parental support provided during the pregnancy predicts a good functioning of the child, generates a socially, mentally and emotionally healthy competent child, who functions well under stress (Auerbach et al., 2011).
In this study we investigate the parental support perceived in the parent - child dyad (by including both parents and adolescents rather than relying only on parent reports). The participants were represented by the parent-child couple (adolescent from high schools), so the participants were 86 dyad parent child who completed the questionnaire in google form, Perceived Parental Autonomy Support Scale (P-PASS; Mageau et al. 2015). The applied questionnaire assesses parents 'perceptions of supporting their own autonomy (offering  choice, recognizing the child's feelings and providing a reason for rules and requirements), parental control (criticisms of guilt, use of threats and performance pressures) and adolescents' perceptions of the same variables.
Results showed that parents' perceived autonomy support from their own parents that is not associated with adolescents' perception of the liberty to make their own choices and providing rationale for rules and demands; the only supportive parenting construct reflected in adolescents' perception being the acknowledgment of their feelings.


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