Determining the Role of FDI in Plummeting the Digital Divide

  • Jyoti Gupta (Maharaja Surajmal Brij University
  • Vivek Sharma Maharaja Surajmal Brij University
Keywords: Digital Divide Index, Foreign Direct Investment, Telecom Sector, Service Providers, Subscribers


There exists a gap between the rural and urban areas in terms of access to Information and Communication Technologies, which is known as Digital Divide. Many studies have been conducted in identifying the determinants of the digital divide but no single analysis fit on all the determinants. This study is an attempt to identify the average digital divide catered by two categories of the Telecom companies. In Category I there are companies which are backed by foreign direct investment and in Category II there are state owned telecom companies. The Digital Divide Index (DDI) have been calculated by using the simple approach of Index numbers and then t-test for differences in means is applied to test the significance of the difference between the average values of DDI obtained from the two categories.


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