Baldrige Approach: A Tool of Performance Management

  • Tripti Sharma University College of Commerce and Management, Guru Kashi University
Keywords: Baldrige excellence frame work, case study, performance management


Pfizer Inc is an American multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology company based in New York.. The purpose of this study is to analyze the case of that Company and the approach taken by the company to improve the performance. Case study method has been used to create an in –depth analysis and to understand and explain complex issues in its real life context. This research design is extensively used in social sciences and other disciplines. First objective of the study is to check the relevancy of Baldrige model towards performance management, according to the report of current company situation with the help of SWOT and PESTLE analysis. Second objective is to manage performance excellence through implementation of the Baldrige model. The findings of this research is that Pfizer Inc Company must look forward to its overall pricing model, its cost structure and the ways to reduce its dependence on two major customers for better performance.


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