To Study the Perception of Individual Towards Promotional Approaches by Coaching Institutes in Flexible Work Environment

  • Tanisha Bindal Department of Management Studies, RDIAS
  • Akanksha Upadhyaya Department of Management Studies, RDIAS
Keywords: Education, promoting, flexible working, coaching institutes, promotional approaches, demographics


Education is the learning of knowledge, information and skills during the life .The department for Education has committed to promoting flexible working among the teaching workforce within coaching institutes .Research by Raabe (1997) cited in waters & Bardoel (2006) Suggested that universities and coaching institutes are increasingly offering flexible work arrangements to obtain a competitive advantage. The research was carried by the educational sector and the coaching institutes in and around Delhi region. Various promotional approaches activities were carried out on the content as it is the medium between the buyer (students) and coaching institutes. The objective is to get an overall idea about promotional approaches of coaching institutes. It aims at developing the significance of demographics with promotional approaches and business development strategies in the fast growing educational sector and making the business efficient and smooth. In research methodology exploratory and descriptive research design was used in quantitative type of research. In Data collection, primary data was used and questionnaire using Google form was designed. Tools for data analysis is IBM SPSS software .So we could conclude that Coaching institutes are proactive in its approach and is always ready to experiment with new promotional approaches to market their product well. The sampling technique used to
survey the students was Non-probability sampling (Quota sampling)m the sample size chosen was 95 students surveyed through Google form questionnaire.


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