Organizational Climate and Turnover Intention of Employees in Private Security Firms in Port Harcourt

  • Uche Ikemefune Department of Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
  • Emmanuel Aziegbe Akhigbe Department of Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
Keywords: Autonomy, Organizational Climate, Reward, Recognition, Encouragement, Turnover Intention


This research work examined the relationship between Organizational Climate and turnover intention in the private security firms in Port Harcourt. Eight firms were selected for this study and the systematic sampling was adopted. The cross sectional survey, which is a type of the quasi experimental design was used. The population of 248 workers in the eight selected private security firms was covered. Sample size was derived which gave a total of 153. However, only 150 questionnaires were recovered and used. The Spearman rank correlation coefficient statistical techniques was utilized for the bivariate analysis, while the
partial correlation was utilized for the multi variate analysis. The outcomes portrayed a substantial negative relationship amongst the dimensions of organizational climate (reward, autonomy and recognition/encouragement) and intention to quit in the private security firms in Port Harcourt. The enquiry
concluded that a favourable climate reduces intention to quit. Hence, it was recommended that the private security firms should ensure a reduction of mechanistic structure which is characterized by high degrees of formalization and centralization so that their workers can enjoy a degree of autonomy and at such reduce the possibility or tendency of leaving the firm. 
