Originative Educational Protocols in the Post Pandemic Period in the Romanian Primary Schools

  • Anca Manuela EGERĂU, Dr. Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad
  • Henrietta TORKOS, Dr. Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad
Keywords: innovation, post-pandemics, outdoor, protocol, primary school


The pandemic period had let deep traces on the educational processes all over the world. Schools had to reevaluate their approach towards education in
general, replacing methods and strategies with adaptable ones to this new situation. Now, in the post-pandemic times, there are new challenges that
educational systems and families have to face. Due to social distancing, children have specific fears regarding group activities in the classrooms. Some of them
refuse to completely get involved and participate in the daily routines, especially when the activities are built in an interactive manner. Considering these facts, we have created this article which contains a few original educational practices that are based on outdoor learning activities that are carried out in the outside areas, in order to promote healthy interactions between pupils. In the first part of the article, we present a few theoretical and conceptual bases of outdoor education, the way it is practiced in the primary schools from Romania and some of its advantages. In the second part, we are presenting some innovative good practices that are based on outdoor education and that are dedicated to primary school pupils. The main results of implementing these protocols in the practice show that children are more open to participate in the solving of common tasks, also they cooperate more and socialize, also developing transversal competencies.
