Examining the Media Consumption Behaviour of females in India

  • Harikishni Nain, Dr. Bharati College, University of Delhi
Keywords: Uses and Gratification, Digital Divide, Media Consumption, India


This paper aims to examine the media consumption behaviour of females in India. The understanding of the media consumption behaviour of females in terms of why, what, when, and how they consume different media options will enable various stakeholders to identify their interactive effects on females' overall well-being, access to affordable and quality health care, educational opportunities, empowerment, decision-making skills, development, and social status by effectively including their media consumption behaviour. This is an empirical study carried out through a cross-sectional web survey of 383 Indian females in the age group of 11-50 years. This study contributes to the understanding of the emergence of females as media consumers in patriarchal Indian society and provides cognizance for the marketing practitioners, governments, policymakers and researchers to take note of the copious opportunities in this area.
