Role of Managerial Hierarchy level in determining the Emotions of Employees at Workplace




Emotion, Emotional labor, Employee- Organization Relationship (EOR), Managerial Hierarchy


This study explores the role of managerial hierarchy in shaping the emotions of
employees within the workplace. Managerial hierarchy, defined by the levels of
authority and responsibility in an organization, significantly influences various
aspects of employee experiences, including emotional responses, job
satisfaction, and performance. The research examines how different
hierarchical structures impact emotional labor, emotional intelligence in
leadership, and perceived organizational justice, thereby affecting employee
emotions. It highlights that flatter hierarchies often promote autonomy and
open communication, leading to positive emotional outcomes, while taller
hierarchies can create environments of controlled interaction and emotional
suppression, potentially resulting in negative emotional states. The study also
underscores the importance of emotional intelligence in leadership for
managing the emotional climate and fostering supportive and inclusive work
environments. Understanding the interplay between managerial hierarchy and
employee emotions provides valuable insights for organizations aiming to
enhance employee well-being and organizational effectiveness through
strategic management practices and organizational design.


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How to Cite

Geetu, M., & Verma, D. A. (2024). Role of Managerial Hierarchy level in determining the Emotions of Employees at Workplace. ANUSANDHAN – NDIM’s Journal of Business and Management Research, 6(2), 58–63.