About the Journal

International Journal of Historical Insight and Research [IJHIR] ISSN:2454-5600 is a double blind peer-reviewed international history Quarterly e-journal that aims to publish research papers and articles augmenting the knowledge and new perspectives leading to furtherance of research in manifold aspects of international history. The Journal invites papers from all fields of history in particular political, economic, social, religious, environmental, cultural aspects which influence the contemporary global man and society. E. H. Carr has rightly said, History is a continuous process of interaction between historian and his facts, an unending dialogue between present and the past.

Historical Insight and Research has an international editorial and advisory board. The Journal promises great benefits to those who value historical sense and interested in unraveling the mysteries of global history.


  • Political History
  • Economic History
  • Social History
  • Gender and History
  • Cultural and Religious History
  • Ecology and History
  • Archaeology
  • Numismatics
  • Epigraphy
  • History and Tourism
  • Interdisciplinary Approach in History
  • Contemporary History
  • Global History

Peer Review  and Publication Policy

The journal employs the double-blind peer review process, where both reviewers and authors remain anonymous throughout the review process.

Every proposal submitted for publication is read at least by an editor, for an initial review. If the paper agrees with editorial policies and with a minimum quality level, is sent to two reviewers. The reviewers won't know the author's identity, as any identifying information will be stripped from the document before review.

Reviewers' comments to the editors are confidential and before passing on to the author will made anonymous. Based on the reviewers' comments, the Editorial Board makes a final decision on the acceptability of the manuscript, and communicates to the authors the decision, along with referees' reports. Whether significant revisions are proposed, acceptance is dependent on whether the author can deal with those satisfactorily. Only those papers approved by the reviewers will be selected for publication.

Open Access Statement

International Journal of Historical Insight and Research (IJHIR) articles are published open access under the Creative Commons Licence CC BY license (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License). The CC BY license allows for maximum dissemination and re-use of open access materials and is preferred by many research funding bodies. Under this license users are free to share (copy, distribute and transmit) and remix (adapt) the contribution including for commercial purposes, providing they attribute the contribution in the manner specified by the author or licensor.
Some historical papers have been published under a non-commercial license. Users may request permission to use the works for commercial purposes or to create derivative works by emailing support@qtanalytics.in.

Creative Commons License

Please note: For the terms set in italics in the summary above further details are provided on the Creative Commons web page from which the summary is taken (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).


The accountability of the research matter articulated in this journal is entirely of the author(s)concerned. The view expressed in the research papers/articles in this journal does not essentially correspond to the views of the publisher/editor. The publisher/editor of the journal is not liable for errors or any consequences arising from the exercise of information contained in it.