India Thailand Relations: In the context of Act East Policy

  • Aaradhana Singh Satyawati College, University of Delhi


Since past two decades, India’s ties with Thailand has evolved into a comprehensive partnership. Both countries’ relations are rooted in history age old cultural and social interactions and people to people contacts. Both countries share maritime border in Andaman sea and are located in each other’s extended neighbourhood. The shared link of Buddhism is reflected in regular pilgrimages to places of Buddhist interests in India by a large number of Thai people. A large Indian Diaspora living and working in Thailand is another important bond. Thailand is a part of ASEAN, a regional organisation of South East Asian countries. During Cold war, the affinity between India and the countries of ASEAN reduced because of the different paths they took. In present global context, however, there is a need for India and countries of ASEAN to unite if they want to fight a rising hegemon like China. This article covers the need and basis for India to strengthen its ties with ASEAN in general and Thailand in particular.


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