The Dynamics of Crime and Wajibi : Charans of Western Rajasthan

  • Tripti Deo Department of History, Lakshmibai College, University of Delhi
Keywords: Jodhpur, Western Rajasthan, Wajabi, Bards, Charans, Disputes, Crime, Kachedi


The charans popularly known as bards of Rajputs in Rajasthan are most often viewed as a homogeneous caste of court poets and genealogists of their Rajput patrons. They are hailed as sacral and given high honour, prestige and social position. However they were practically not bereft from the vagaries of crime and punishment while they cohabited with other communities. This paper reflects the various acts of violation and defiance that the charans committed in their everyday lives. It also attempts to highlight the reactions of the state as a penal regime while dealing with these kinds of escalated stresses and activities. The Jodhpur state (Marwar) had to walk a tight rope while dealing with its subjects and this is attested by the study of archival records. To uncover this side of charans that is generally veiled in the chronicles (that are mostly authored by them) is the aim of this paper thus attempting to present a clearer picture of this community that held significance in the politico-socio fabric of the region.


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