A Question of Dignity-A Comparative and Historical Study of Chinua Achebe's 'Things Fall Apart' and Kalyan Rao's 'Untouchable Spring'

  • Neeru Chakravertty Satyawati College, University of Delhi
Keywords: Hagemony, Protest, Authentic, Dignity, Assertion


Abstract: Chinua Achebe and Kalyan Rao, the Nigerian and the Telugu Dalit writers, authors of two groundbreaking novels, Things Fall Apart and Untouchable Spring, belong to two different socio-cultural traditions and historical contexts. Both are the products and chroniclers of societies that faced oppression and exploitation as well as literary misrepresentation. The individual identity, humanity and dignity of their people was negated through stereotypical and superficial portrayals in popular imagination and dominant discourses. Both writers seek to restore the dignity and self-respect of their communities through the two novels that interrogate negative and inauthentic representations and provide challenging, alternative perspectives. They are simultaneous narratives of protest and assertion and choose similar narrative thrust points to achieve their objectives.


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