• Yagnik Rathod Asst. Prof., Computer Department, Government Engineering College, Dahod, India
Keywords: Data mining;, Database Security;, Log mining;, Intrusion detection;


Information is a key component in today’s global business environment. An organization, institute, or business firm uses various database management systems for managing its crucial information. The security mechanism provides by DBMS is not enough to prevent intruders or detect anomalous behavior. Unauthorized users and sometimes authorized users to execute malicious commands intentionally or by mistake, cannot be detected and prevented by a typical security mechanism. Intrusion detection system finds intrusive action and attempts by detecting the behavior of user’s action. Security features can be enhanced by adding intrusive detection technology to the Database management system. Data mining is to identify valid, novel, potentially useful, and ultimately understandable patterns in massive data. It is required to apply data mining techniques to detect various intrusions. In this paper mechanism based on data mining is discussed to detect malicious action in DBMS.


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