Enhancing Customer Experience: An In-depth Exploration of Interaction Channels in the Jewelry Industry
Customer touchpoints, Customer satisfaction, Mass customization, Printing industryAbstract
High customer satisfaction is important and is seen by many firms as a critical component of their success. To improve, nevertheless, is hampered by the fact that few measure and monitor it in an organized manner. The goal of this article is to create an client touchpoint management application specifically for B2B mass customisation businesses that are small to medium-sized. They can gauge, track, and improve client happiness thanks to this tool. 48 customer touchpoints were found and classified into human, goods, services, communication, geographical, and electronic interactions using a case study methodology. Employees and current customers participated in a three-step identification process that identified touchpoints, assessed their overall significance, and determined how particular touchpoints affected customer satisfaction. The results indicate that customers and staff generally agree on which touchpoints are most important, and that not all interactions are viewed as meaningful. Customer satisfaction was found to be most significantly influenced by human connection touchpoints
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